Link to Grammar Exercise



It is not easy to give a straightforward answer to that question. Generally you have to look for multi-factor explanations. You may use the links to the right for some of the answers

Gender and Crime  
Youth and Crime  
Race/Ethnicity and Crime  
Inner Cities  
Multiethnic society  
Socialization and Crime  
Anomie Normlessness
Murder of 1st Degree/Premeditated Murder  
Penal code/Law  
Death penalty/Capital Punishment  
Court of Justice/Supreme Court/District Courts  
Lawyer/Attorney/District Attorney  
Public prosecutor  
Law Enforcement  
Juvenile Delinquency/Delinquent  


Texas death row on the net:


§        Offenders on Death Row

§        Gender and Racial Statistics

§        Executed Offenders

§        Scheduled Executions

§        Executions by Year

§        Information by County

§        Women on Death Row

§        Offenders No Longer on Death Row

§        Citizenship Information

§        Media Witness List

§        Death Row Facts

§        Information for the News Media

§        Death Row 1923-1973 Page


Figure  1: Death row population in American prisons

Kilde: Bureau of Justice Statistics. Note: Information on death row .

Figure 2: Number of rapes  in the USA


Innocence 1. uskyld
confess 2. tilstå
guilt 3. skyld
red light area 4. luderkvarter
drugs 5. narkotika
volutarily 6. frivilligt
murder inquiry 7. mordundersøgelse
murderer 8. morder
serial killer 9. seriemorder
under caution 10. Under forsigtighed (her: Blive gjort opmærksom på, at det kan blive brugt som vidnemateriale i retten
court order 11. retskendelse
under oath 12. under ed
investigation 13. undersøgelse
release 14. slippe fri (fra arrest/fængsel)
charge 15. anklage
coincidence 16. tilfældigt sammentræf
trace 17. spore
question 18. udspørge
reveal 19. afsløre
gambling 20. hasardspil
sexually assaulted 21. udsat for seksuelt overgreb
toxicology test 22. forgiftsningstest
strangle 23. kvæle
strangulation 24. kvælning
forensic medicine 25. retsmedicin



Grammar Exercise - Abstract concepts - article. Find abstract concepts in the text, examine the use of expanded tense (udvidet tid), and translate it into Danish.

The faithful cities report said asylum seekers should be allowed to take paid work to sustain themselves and contribute to society. Otherwise democracy may be endangered. It said it was "unacceptable" to use destitution as a "tool of coercion" in the treatment of asylum seekers. They should be allowed to go for a walk in nature, - not stay idly in the centres all the time.  It said the gap between rich and poor is  widening despite multi-million pound regeneration projects in many urban areas. City life is harmed in the process.  "The experience of the faithful on the ground is that the poor are the losers in a widening prosperity gulf. Where is justice? Inequality is getting still harsher.  "We live in one of the most economically unequal countries in Europe and not only has the 'trickle down' promise of market forces failed to deliver but a draconian asylum system consigns a small section of the population to unacceptable destitution. Poverty is still more common as an integral part of city life.
    "The report also called on the government to look at the implementation of a higher "living wage" than the minimum wage, which is currently £5.05 an hour. It leaves the unskilled worker in poverty. And the rich can continue living lives in affluence. In some suburbs luxury is widespread.
    The gap between rich and poor deepens. The multicultural nature of many inner-city areas has given rise to racial intolerance. "Fear of the stranger" is common, the report said. The report also warned that racism is growing.



Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO's)

ASBO statistics

Crime in the USA

Bowling for Columbine

Dunblane killings

Crime highlights Britain

Ligali (Black People website Britain) on crime