a. Tillægsord lægger sig til personer eller ting: "A happy man". "A tall building". ("Happy" lægger sig til "man" og siger noget om ham. "Tall" lægger sig til "building" og fortæller, at den er høj).

b. Biord lægger sig til udsagnsord: He talked slowly (om måden, der taltes på), tillægsord, andre biord eller hele sætninger.

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Biordet siger noget om omstændigheder ved handlingen. Subjektsprædikatet, tillægsordet siger noget om personen


Tillægsagtig stilling A pretty woman. An extraordinary, old man
Omsagnsled til grundled She is pretty. The woman is pretty


Lægger sig udsagnsord I worked quietly and patiently (siger noget om måden, der arbejdedes på)
Lægger sig til tillægsord An extraordinarily old man (siger noget om, hvor gammel manden er)
Lægger sig til biord He moved extremely quickly (siger noget om graden af hurtighed)
Lægger sig til en sætning Naturally, I knew it. I could scarcely believe it (siger noget om hele handlingen)

Der er tillægsord, der ender på –ly, f.eks. friendly, surly, kindly, likely: "It now seemed likely that…". Her laver man ikke biord ved at sætte –ly på, men ved at lave en anden formulering, f.eks.: "In a friendly manner" (På en venlig måde).

Læg mærke til "good". Det hedder "well" som biord: He spoke well (Han talte godt). Samtidig er "well" et tillægsord, der betyder "rask". Læg også mærke til hard/hardly: He worked hard (hard = biord: Han arbejdede hårdt)/He hardly worked (Han arbejdede næsten ikke)

Navneord (substantiver) anvendes ofte i adjektivisk stilling: "Your fucking dog got kidnapped by some mystery maniac", hvor "mystery" bruges i stedet for "mysterious". Det kan have en stilistisk virkning. Læg også mærke til "An English teacher", hvor tryk og intonation afgør, om "English" er adjektiv (a teacher of English nationality) eller substantiv (a teacher of English).


I sætningerne "She is beautiful" og "She sings beautifully" er beautiful tillægsord i den første sætning og biord, beautifully, i den anden. I den første er beautiful omsagnsled til grundled. Ordet siger noget om personen "she". Det gør det i kraft af, at ordet "to be" er betydningssvagt. Det er næsten lige som et lighedstegn (She = beautiful).

c. Verber, der tager subjektsprædikat kaldes copula. Blandt de almindeligste copula er: Turn: He turned pale, remain, get: "He gets angry too easily" (Han bliver for let vred), look, seem, appear, become og be. Mange af dem kan have to eller flere betydning. Og det er da som betydningssvage, at de har subjektsprædikat. Det gælder f.eks. "grow": "He grew old". I en anden betydning kan ordet binde biord til sig, f.eks.: The plant grew slowly. Eller "prove": "He proved ideally suited to work for land developers". "He proved it to me"

d. Sanseverberne forbindes også med tillægsord, f.eks. feel: "He felt potent when he saw Miss America". Taste: "The apple tastes good. Smell: "The garbage smells bad". Sound: "The band sounded terrible".

Understreg tillægsord og biord i nedenstående sætninger. Hvad lægger tillægsordene sig til? Undersøg "hemispheric"s forskellige positioner i udtalelse 1. I hvilken position er det omsagnsled til grundled?

1."Natural gas is hemispheric. I like to call it hemispheric in nature because it is a product that we can find in our neighborhoods." (hemispheric: Hvad der vedrører den vestlige halvkugle). Austin, Texas, Dec. 20, 2000

2."I am mindful of the difference between the executive branch and the legislative branch. I assured all four of these leaders that I know the difference, and that difference is they pass the laws and I execute them." Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 2000

3."I knew it might put him in an awkward position that we had a discussion before finality has finally happened in this presidential race."

Sæt ly på i sætningerne herunder, hvor det er nødvendigt:

He talked clear ______ and slow_____
He rare______ made mistakes
He was a friendly man who calm______ advised his friends about how they should kick the ball
She acts beautiful _______ as first lady
The first lady is extreme ______ beautiful
It is an extreme _______ pleasure to inaugurate this school
His children are most_____ told not to play computer games
Fundamental______ , he was not in doubt about how to speak his native______ tongue
Lucky _____, he remembered to bring the typewritten copy of his speech
My father was a wonderful ______ president, and my brother Jeb is good______ as well
He talked hesitating _______ at his first press briefing
He held the champagne glass awkward _______ at the first embassy meeting
On that occasion he alwasy speaks clear _______ and distinct_______

Indsæt -ly (-y på tillægsord, der ender på –le) de steder, det er nødvendigt (forklar hvorfor):

The political____ leaders round_____ condemned the violent_____ demonstrators
This may sound encouraging_____
None of it is real______ new
It was made clear_____ that they would not accept the terms
This debate will clear_____ have limits
All EU leaders now talk earnest_____ of having to engage ordinary people in debate
The EU is increasing_____ out of touch with the people
It seemed particular_____ tough on the Swedes themselves on their peaceable______ nature
The new labels will probable_____ just mean nothing
It is more than twice the annual_____ production


e. Et tillægsord kan ikke stå alene i ental. På dansk kan man sige "den fattige". Det kan man ikke på engelsk. Her hedder det: The poor one eller the poor man/woman. The poor alene betyder "de fattige".

f. Almene, generelle begreber kan dog substantiveres i ental: The common good: Det fælles bedste.

Interaktive øvelser i adjektiv/adverbium

Øvelse 1 Øvelse 2

Link her til video om adjektiver/adverbium


Tilføj –ly, hvor det er nødvendigt:

This strong glue will do the job nice_____

"Anyway, I'm so thankful_____, and so gracious_____  that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well."Miami, Fla., June 4, 2001 (hvilket ord, der ligner gracious, skulle B. have brugt i stedet for gracious?)

"For every fatal_____ shooting, there were rough_____ three non-fatal_____ shootings”

"And we need a full_____ affront on an energy crisis that is real_____ in California and looms for other parts of our country if we don't move quick_____."—Press conference, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001

He acted without being serious_____

The result is obvious_____, and it is hard_____ inspiring

The children were careful_____ insulated from harmful_____ experiences

There was sufficient_____ evidence to proceed careful_____ with the case

An enormous figure was looming menacing_____ out of the darkness

Her kindness cancels out her occasional_____ flashes of temper

Violence is a cancer that is spreading dangerous_____ at the moment

She is complete_____ homeless

She did not feel complete_____ without her husband

The children ate the food greedy_____

He moves very quick_____ across the dance floor

Our dog may look very fierce_____, but he is  very friendly

Obvious _______ , he does not know to behave among heads of state

I remember, perfect______ clear______ , as if it were yesterday how I crushed my opponents

It was, technical ______ , an ”office” day, but I pretended to be off duty

The window was so heavy_____ barred I could see nothing outside

She leaned over and kissed me light______ on the cheek

The first lady and the president rare_____ kissed

He was silent_____ for  a  second then he resumed his speech

Her eyes stared steady______ and constant_____

He work hard______ in the oval office every day from 8 a.m to 11 a.m.

The rain began to fall again, swift_____ and direct_____

The president smiled reassuring_____

He gazed steady_______  at the secretary

She’s very convincing_____, smart_____ dressed, and easy____ of manner

He muttered desolate_____: What are you doing to me?

The pilot was awarded, posthumous______, a medal for his act of heroism

It would seem wrong_____ to do so

He was told a long story about the nature of the pilot’s fatal_____ wound

He was wounded fatal_____ in the air crash

He never expected such fear and such terrible______, crushing love

He never expected such fear and such terrible______ crushing love

I true_____ believe he was glad when he received the present

It was a true_____ story

I don’t approved of this fast______, promiscuous______ life you lead

He drove very fast___________ 


Sæt –ly endelsen på, hvor det er nødvendigt:

As the nation's clever______ First Lady, Laura Bush is keen______ aware of the opportunity she has to share her dedicated_____ love of reading with Americans, especial_______ young children. She will use her role as First Lady to encourage people to share the pure_____ magic of reading with children, to encourage Americans to pursue the honorabl______ career of teaching and to showcase early______ childhood development initiatives that show results on behalf of children.


Indsæt adjektiverne i parentes som adjektiv eller adverbium:

The man laughed,  a very  _______ laugh (creepy)

She laughed _______  (hearty)

The President is a very ________ man (generous)

The man made a remark that Ana thought was ______ harsh (unfair)

She made a ______ mistake (fatal)

Mr. Sorensen thought he might be _______ wounded if he were sent to Jugoslavia (mortal)

_______ the noise was due to the dog barking (possible)

It is _______ true that Christmas is near (blissful)

He succumbed to his desire at the worst _______ moment (possible)

The man waited _______ for her snoring, before he went out to have a beer (patient)

The tigers in Knuthenborg are a  ______  _______ sight (true, glorious)

She opened an eye and emitted a ________  _______ cry (hollow, startled)

The dancers in the bar were _______ on some heavy drugs (probable)

He encouraged him ________ to have another dring (eager)

He was a _______ handsome member of the human species (striking)

The water in the river was ______ and _______ (bright, clear)

He swam with ______  ______  strokes (long, soft)

He was in the ______  house. He stumbled _______ forward (wrong, drunken)

The politician went on and on so ______ about the _______ failure of _______ action (earnest, sorry, affirmative)

Some people think he is a _______  _______ politician (dangerous, liberal – 2 muligheder i denne indsætning)

He shot _______ of the traffic when he got out on the motorway (free)


Sæt korrekte endelser (adjektiv/adverbium) i følgende sætninger:

Clarice, their daughter, was bare_____ two years old. A miscarriage brought on by grief (Imani had lost her fervid_____ environmentalist mother to lung cancer short____ after Clarice's birth; the asbestos ceiling in the classroom where she taught first-graders had leaked for 4o years) separated Clarice's birth from the new pregnancy. Imani felt her body had been assaulted by these events and was, in fact, considerabl_____ weakened and was also, in any case, chronical_____ anemic_____ and run-down. Still, if she had wanted the baby more than she did not want it, she would not have planned to abort it. 


Hvis du fejler, så er det din egen skyld. Det er meget amerikansk at tænke sådan. Amerikanerne er individualistiske, og de tænker som individualister. De bebrejder ikke en svag stat, hvis det ikke lykkes for dem at få succes. Den amerikasnek drøm gør så, at amerikanerne ikke har lyst til at betale til for meget velfærd.  Den amerikanske drøm er fuldstændig ens, hvadenten man spørger en fattige eller en rig amerikaner. I USA er det svært at få folk til at stemme på baggrund af deres klasse. Folk tænker simpelthen ikke på den måde. Det har overrasket ambitiøse politikere. Man skulle tro, at hvis du som politiker foreslog,  at man skulle beskatte de rige noget mere, så ville de fattige stemme på dig. Men sådan er det ikke i USA. Her kan det være de fattige, der er imod en sådan politik. Den fattige tænker: Jeg skal ikke altid være fattige, og når jeg bliver rig, så vil have lov til at beholde de gode penge, jeg har tjent ved ærligt arbejde.

Hvordan bruger forfatteren adjektiver og adverbier i sin personkarakteristik (characterization) i teksten herunder:

The Westcotts were going out for dinner that night, and when Jim came home, Irene was dressing. She seemed sad and vague, and he brought her a drink. They were dining with friends in the neighbourhood, and they walked to where they were going. The sky was broad and filled with light. It was one of those splendid spring evenings that excite memory and desire, and the air that touched their hands and faces felt very soft. A Salvation Army band was on the corner playing "Jesus Is Sweeter" Irene drew on her husband's arm and held him there for a minute, to hear the music. "They're really such nice people, aren't they?" she said. "They have such nice faces. Actually, they're so much nicer than a lot of the people we know." She took a bill from her purse and walked over and dropped it into the tambourine. There was in her face, when she returned to her husband, a look of radiant melancholy that he was not familiar with. And her conduct at the dinner party that night seemed strange to him, too. She interrupted her hostess rudely and stared at the people across the table from her with an intensity for which she would have punished her children.

It was still mild when they walked home from the party, and Irene looked up at the spring stars. "How far that little candle throws its beams," she exclaimed. "So shines a good deed in a naughty world." She waited that night until Jim had fallen asleep, and then went into the living room and turned on the radio.