a. ’s-ejefald. Bruges om personer: Peter’s car. Laves med ’s. Hvis ordet ender på s, sættes apostroffen på s:, Charles house.

b. Of-ejefald: Ved (døde) ting og begreber: The leaves of the tree (Træets blade). The productivity of the British economy (Den britiske økonomis produktivitet)

c. Ofte kan begge ejefald bruges: The parks of London/London’s parks. Det kan især gælde dyr, steder m.v. med mulighed for en vis "personlighed", at ’s bruges. Valg af ejefald kan være udtryk for fokus: Personligt/upersonligt (’s/of-ejefald)

d. ’s bruges ved betegnelser for tid: One night’s work, two nights’ work, one hour’s break, two weeks’ holiday.

Ret følgende sætninger:

I looked at the ant. It’s efforts to transport the grain of sugar were rewarded. It’s skinny legs were working like drumsticks. My brothers car never got beyond the border. He was too scared. He also thought of it’s shortcomings.

Kommenter B’s brug af ejefald. Kan ejefaldene konstrueres anderledes?:

"I hope we get to the bottom of the answer. It's what I'm interested to know."—On what happened in negotiations (forhandlinger) between the Justice Department (Justitsministeriet) and Elián González's Miami relatives, as quoted by the Associated Press, April 26 (Om lille cubansk dreng, Elián, der skulle udleveres til faren på Cuba, men hvor slægtningene i Miami modsatte sig det)

"The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law."—Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 2000 (legislature: lovgivende forsamling. Executive branch: Den udøvende magt, dvs regering og administration)


Sæt streg under genitivsformer og possessive pronominer:

"This is an area where parents don't bat an eye over getting their kids BMWs to drive to school," said Herndon parent Andrea Baker. "They're so busy keeping up with the Joneses it's incredible." Baker's twins, seniors at Herndon High, share a 1985 Volkswagen Quantum, but she concedes she sometimes feels pressure to keep up with her neighbors. She recalled a Sweet 16 party to which her daughter Shannon was invited: the engraved invitation stipulated that the gentlemen should wear coats and ties and the ladies, dresses. The soiree was held at the family's oceanfront vacation home in Virginia Beach. "I thought it was a bit over-the-top," Baker said. "Kids nowadays think that kind of thing is nothing”.Her twins' party, by contrast, was a barbecue for 60 in the back yard. Beth Whiteman felt the sting of affluence firsthand at Oakton High School, from which she graduated in 1999. In Whiteman's senior yearbook, her 1988 Chevy Nova—a gift from her grandmother when she turned 16—was tagged with the ultimate insult: "Worst car." At Oakton, as at many other high schools, Abercrombie & Fitch is the clothier of choice. The school's rarefied air has even inspired a special phrase among some of its students: "Acting Too Oakton" refers to someone who is pretentious or materialistic. And it's not just the Oaktons, McLeans and Langleys; Fairfax County's growing affluence has spilled over to schools historically known as more middle class.

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