a. De korte, der angiver hyppighed o.lign. (only, ever, never, always) står foran hovedudsagnsordet: He never spoke to me (Han talte aldring med mig).

b. Ved sammensatte udsagnsordsled mellem hjælpeudsagnsordet og hovedudsagnsordet: He has never spoken to me.

Mådesudsagnsord står efter verbet (udsagnsordet): She walked rapidly (måden hun gik på)

c. Der må ikke være biord mellem udsagnsled og genstandsled: He locked the door carefully (Han lukkede omhyggeligt døren)

d. Biord, der lægger sig til en hel sætning, står før hovedverbet: She naturally advised him to drop the case (Som naturligt var, gav hum ham det gode råd at droppe sagen). Eller: Naturally, she advised him to drop the case. Men: She acted naturally (Hun opførte sig/agerede på en naturlig måde, hvor naturally altså er mådesbiord)

e. Not placeres efter (hjælpe)verbet: She told me that she could not come (Hun fortalte mig, at hun ikke kunne komme). She did not tell med that she could come.

f. Lange angivelser af tid og sted står først eller sidst i sætningen: On September 18th a war broke out in Africa

g. Grundleddet må ikke skilles fra udsagnsleddet af lange adverbielle led, især ikke når grundleddet er et personligt stedord (pronomen): When I in expectation of meeting a police car slowed down a lot of other cars passed me. Sætningen kan f.eks. rettes til: "When in expectation of meeting a police car I slowed down, a lot of other cars passed me".

Indsæt biordene på den rigtige plads i sætningerne herunder (i nogle tilfælde er der flere muligheder):

She was gazing at him with that funny expression (always)
After dark we were tucked up beneath his wing (safely)
He stepped forward and grasped my wrist (gently)
One night he thought he heard her singing (amazingly)
She smiled at him (finally)
It was due to his being a singer (probably)
Karen came to this spot for her lunch (always)
She knew anyway (probably)
They claimed to feel whole for the first time in their lives (truly)
The nurse’s hands were busy between them (invisibly)
He felt relaxed (perfectly)
She had wanted to be doing something different (always, entirely)
She pulled him onto her lap (playfully)
He undressed while Karen was in the bedroom (quickly)
He lay in the bed (rigidly, motionlessly)
She removed his hand (always, disapprovingly)

Find biordet. Er det anbragt korrekt?:

"He has certainly earned a reputation as a fantastic mayor, because the results speak for themselves. I mean, New York's a safer place for him to be."—On Rudy Giuliani, The Edge With Paula Zahn, May 18, 2000

"I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington, obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure."—Interview with the Associated Press, Jan. 18, 2001

Ret følgende:

"I appreciate that question because I, in the state of Texas, had heard a lot of discussion about a faith-based initiative (religiøst baseret initiativ) eroding (erodere/underminere) the important bridge between church and state."—Question and answer session with the press, Jan. 29, 2001 .)

Sæt adverbierne i parenteserne i en korrekt stilling i sætningerne:

They will build you a new house (never)

He chuckled and moved away (harshly, quickly)

She turned her back on him at the critical moment (never)

She had opened the front door and they came in (quietly, quickly)

He was shot point-blank (callously)

He told me this was your idea (naturally, entirely)

She was out of her mind, but none-the-less garrulous (generally, surprisingly)

He noticed what Alexandra was wearing (finally)

Those insects are as regarded by modern cowboys (almost, dearly)

He thought it was a good football match (probably)

Her mind is occupied by the new baby. It is incomprehensible (completely, utterly)

They waited for the farmer to turn up. He was late (patiently, usually, horribly)

He had made his point with her father (evidently, emphatically)

He mentions it. He is in such a hurry. Otherwise he is a nice man (rarely, always, essentially)

They went to see a(n) good play at the experimental Workers’ Theatre (exceedingly, generally)

She mowed the lawn (alway, slowly)

”It is necessary that I speak to you”, she said (absolutely, angrily)

He is a good man. He works, and he speaks English (hard, well)

He wants to travel around the worl as he can (desperately, fast, possibly)

He has a temporary job. In London he also worked for a company (usually, temporarily)

He teaches Latin, but he can be persuaded to give an interesting lecture on Greek literature too  (mainly, usually, formidably)

He spoke in a gentle voice. He was a brute (always, deceptively, actually)

She was the victim of a savage stabbing. She survived. (extraordinarily, strangely enough)

You work for that madman (really)?

”Anything is possible when you run for president in America,” he said (restlessly)

He listened to the tape which had been given to him by the stranger (always, intently)


Hvordan påvirkes betydningen af mulige alternative placeringer i følgende tilfælde?:

Sætningsadverbial eller mådesadverbial: She did it (naturally)

Sætningsadverbial eller mådesadverbial: He spoke on the issue an extended period of time (wisely)

Sætningsadverbial eller mådesadverbial: They acted (honourably)

Sætningsadverbial eller mådesadverbial: Did she buy a fast car (really)?

Sætningsadverbial eller mådesadverbial: He works hard (surprisingly)


Interaktive ordstillingsøvelser:
adv1 adv2 adv3 adv4