a. At: det punktvise: He stopped at Esbjerg, Aarhus and Aalborg on his journey through Jutland (punkter på rejsen). Meet me at the Carl’s bridge (punktet i byen). He stopped smoking at 4 o’clock (punktet på tiden).

b. In: Stedet inden for et område: "He was in the factory building when she called". Også om sprog, der tales på: "Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican." Tiden, der medgår til noget: "In 64 years I have never learned to fly"

c. On: I. ovenpå: "The Beatles played one of their most popular songs on the roof of a building in Central London". II. Angivelse af, hvad en bog, afhandling eller lign. omhandler: Ex: "She wrote a book on the European Union". (Er i modsætning til about udtryk for en mere formel behandling af emnet). Vende en person ryggen: "He turned his back on me".

d. By: Angivelse af, hvem der har udført noget: "The book was written by Rifbjerg". Angivelse af position ved siden af: "The nurse sat by the patient’s bed".

e. About/around: Omkring, frem og tilbage inden for et område: About: "He walked about in the class room, occasionally knocking his head against the wall". Around: Rundt om: "She walked around the building before making up her mind".

f. In/into: Bevægelse ind i eller ned i: "He went through the doorway into the room". "He jumped into the pool in the millionaire’s garden and swam about in it trying to catch some fish for his lunch".

g. Between/among: Between: Imellem to sider: "He stood between the two teams". Among: Midt iblandt flere: "Among the players there were Latinos, Blacks, Chinese – even some WASPS".

h. For: tiden, hvor længe: "I studied hard for almost 2 hours yesterday".

i. During: i løbet af, med vægten lagt på tidsforløbet: "During those 64 years I frequently went on holiday, and twice I had intensive study sessions abroad".

j. Over. Under. Across: "Under the table" (Under bordet). "He flew over the ocean" (Henover, rundt og evt. frem og tilbage). "He flew across the Atlantic" (tværs over, f.eks. fra London til New York)

k. Pas på: Aldrig præpositioner foran that-sætninger: He was afraid of that something might happen er bandlyst. Hvad kan man gøre i stedet?:

  1. Fjern forholdsordet: He was afraid that something might happen
  2. Indsæt støtteord: He was afraid of the probability/chance that something might happen
  3. Erstat that-sætningen med en ing-form styret af forholdsordet: He was afraid of something happening

l. Tidspræpositioner: Skemaet herunder viser brugen af tidsforholdsord (tidspræpositioner)

In (the)
Parts of the day


Seasons (Årstider)


Decades (årtier)

Centuries (århundreder)

In the morning(s) etc

In March, April, etc

In (the) summer

In 2001

In the 1980s

In the 20th century

On (the)
Days of the week


Specific days (bestemte dage)

On Monday(s)/Saturday(s)

On (the) 20th (of) February

On good Friday (store bededag)

On New Year’s day

On my birthday

On the Queen’s birthday

On the following day

At (the)
Clock time


Holiday periods

At 10 o’clock

At 8.35 pm (aften)

At 8.35 am (morgen)

At the weekend

At Easter (påske)

At Whitsun (pinse)

m. Towards/against: Towards: Retning henimod noget: "He walked towards the bridge". Against: En eller anden form for modstand: "He leaned against the wall". Også overført: "Are you against the tax policies of the Bush Administration"

Indsæt præpositionerne i teksten herunder:

As First Lady of Texas, her love ____ the written word inspired her to share the magic ____ reading and education _____ others, especially children. Mrs. Bush launched (igangsatte) an early childhood development initiative ____ 1998 to help parents and caregivers prepare infants (små børn) and young children ____ learning and reading when they enter school. The Texas initiative included a family literacy (læseevne-) project, which was a collaborative effort _____ the Barbara Bush Foundation _____ Family Literacy. She helped organize the Texas Book Festival in 1996, an endeavor that has become an annual fundraiser (årlig indsamling) _____ Texas public libraries. _____ four years, the festival generated approximately $1 million ____ 325 public libraries. The First Lady's concern _____ women's health issues (sundhedsspørgsmål) led her to highlight the importance ____ breast cancer awareness (bevidsthed om brystkræft). In Texas, she worked _____ the Governor's Spouse (ægtefælle) Program _____ the National Governors Association to promote (fremme) women's health issues. She worked to establish Adopt-A-Caseworker programs and Rainbow Rooms _____ Texas. Rainbow rooms provide abused and neglected (misbrugte og forsømte) children _____ basic necessities (grundlæggende nødvendigheder) such as clothing and diapers (bleer).


Vælg en passende præposition i teksten herunder:

Despite the job cuts at/in technology companies in/during recent months, young dot-commers still pack the

place to surf the Net and sip lattes and cocktails. There are live bands in/on/at the café most nights, and the monthly poetry slam is a huge hit. A French couple moved their French restaurant from Capitol Hill to McLean several years

ago. They haven't looked back. They do not want to go back to the place at/around Capital Hill right at/in the middle of Washington. As the owner of a headhunting firm in/during the boom, Mr Jansen has seen the area's transformation firsthand. Jansen, an Australian who has lived in/at New York and London, said he found  Fairfax dull and lifeless when he arrived in/at the area a decade ago. So he moved to Bethesda.  But now, he said, "when I drive over/across the American Legion Bridge every day, I feel like I'm moving out of/from the suburbs and entering the hotbed of business.

The transformation is in full view at/in eCiti Cafe, a former warehouse  located between an auto body shop and a discount mattress store in/at/under the  shadow from/of Tysons high-rises. Vito A. Zappala, the restaurant's general

manager, said he expects the restaurant to pull in at least $8 million in/on  its first year -- even though it's only open six days a week for/to dinner. "It's louder, it's higher-tech and it's cooler," Zappala said on/about/of the  new Fairfax.



Understreg præpositionerne i teksten herunder og lav indsætningsøvelsen:

”Because the picture on the newspaper. It just seems so un-American to me, the picture of the guy storming the house with a scared little boy there. I talked to my little brother, Jeb—I haven't told this to many people. But he's the governor of—I shouldn't call him my little brother--my brother, Jeb, the great governor of Texas”


The house was stormed _____ the guy

The little boy was frightened  _____ too much violence

It said _____ the newspaper that the house had been stormed _____ FBI agents

B. talked _____ Jeb ______ it

The FBI agents walked _____ the house ______ moving ______ it. Then they walked  _____ the house to find the room where the boy was hidden.

The Cuban boy did not want to turn his back _____ his relatives. He wanted to live _____ his father _____ Cuba


Understreg med én streg ”to” anvendt i infinitiv og med to streger ”to” anvendt som præposition i teksten herunder og lav indsætningsøvelsen:

"I do not agree with this notion that somehow if I go to try to attract votes and to lead people toward a better tomorrow somehow I get subscribed to some—some doctrine gets subscribed to me."—Meet The Press, Feb. 13, 2000


He agreed _____ his brother _____ a number _____ subjects. They both want to appeal _____ the voters. It is a family syndrome. Their father was also a politician. They are raised _____ politics, politics _____ Texas and politics _____ Texas. He worked _____ the oil industry _____ some time _____ his youth or adulthood.


Understreg præpositionerne i teksterne herunder. Kan forholdsordsforbindelserne erstattes med andre eller med helt andre formuleringer?:

"I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine labor secretary (arbejdsminister). From what I've read in the press accounts (presseberetninger), she's perfectly qualified."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 8, 2001


"I mean, these good folks (de, der laver IT virksomheder) are revolutionizing how businesses conduct their business (hvordan virksomheder laver forretninger). And, like them, I am very optimistic about our position in the world and about its influence on the United States. We're concerned about (optaget af/bekymret over) the short-term (kortsigtede) economic news, but long-term I'm optimistic. And so, I hope investors, you know—secondly, I hope investors hold investments for periods of time—that I've always found the best investments are those that you salt away (egtl. ”salter væk”, i.e. præserverer, dvs lader investeringen stå i længere tid – uden at trække pengene ud) based on economics."—Austin, Texas, Jan. 4, 2001 (Han taler om IT investeringer, NASDAQ Børsen, ”ny økonomi”, og hvordan man skal tænke henholdsvis kort- eller langsigtet, når man investerer i erhvervslivet. NASDAQ er blevet kritiseret for at være for meget spillebule og for lidt seriøse investeringer, og det er det, Bush forsøger at forholde sig til. Bush siger, de skal være baseret på ”sund” økonomi” – ”based on economics”).


Interaktiv øvelse med præpositioner