Link to Grammar Exercise YOUTH AND IDENTITY
Dress code  
Youth Culture  
Generational conflict  
Coming of age  
Rites of passage  
Starter home  
Leaving school  

Wikipedia mentions the following subcultures:

An acceptance for altenative sexualties and gender constructs (kønskonstruktioner) are also apparent.


Grammar exercise

1. Turn the sentences below into correct English sentences where you find it necessary
2. Find the
future tenses in the text. Can they be changed into another kind of future construction?

I just turned 25 today! 25! The Big two FIve. A quarter centruy old! Old. I am OLD!!!!!


Now,  if you excuse me, I will go get obnoxiously drunk. You shall find me at some time this evening, in my bathtub, in the fetal position, naked, crying over my rapidly wasting youth while nursing a bottle of Jack Daniels with the water running. Jack, my old friend. My old and loyal friend. Oh how much me loves you on nights like these!

See y'all tomorrow! Hopefully I will be able to remove myself from my "Quarter Life Crisis" and get myself out of the bathtub in time for work. No gurantees though: Me and Jack will wrestle tonight, and I don't think I will win! Will keep you updated either way! (SM)

1. Put in commas, where necessary, in the text below:

They had discussed it but not deeply whether they wanted the baby she was now carrying. "I don't know if I want it" she said eyes filling with tears. She cried at anything now and was often nauseous. That pregnant women cried easily and were nauseous seemed banal to her and she resented banality.

"Well think about it" he said with his smooth reassuring voice (but with an edge of impatience she now felt) that used to soothe her.

It was all she did think about all she apparently could that he could dream otherwise enraged her. But she always lost when they argued. Her temper would flare up he would become instantly reasonable mature responsible if not responsive precisely to her mood and she would swallow down her tears and hate herself. It was because she believed him "good." The best human being she had ever met.

"It isn't as if we don't already have a child" she said in a calmer tone carelessly wiping at the tear that slid from one eye.

1. Put in the right suffixes for adjectives/adverbs:

Clarice, their daughter, was bare_____ two years old. A miscarriage brought on by grief (Imani had lost her fervid_____ environmentalist mother to lung cancer short____ after Clarice's birth; the asbestos ceiling in the classroom where she taught first-graders had leaked for 4o years) separated Clarice's birth from the new pregnancy. Imani felt her body had been assaulted by these events and was, in fact, considerabl_____ weakened and was also, in any case, chronical_____ anemic_____ and run-down. Still, if she had wanted the baby more than she did not want it, she would not have planned to abort it.




Article on Youth Subcultures