Undervisningsvejledningen for studieretningsprojektet om engelsk resumé:

Opgavebesvarelsen skal indeholde et kort resume på engelsk.
Hver elev skal som led i sin besvarelse af den større skriftlige opgave udarbejde et kort resume (også kaldet et abstract) på engelsk. Resuméet er en mini-udgave af opgavebesvarelsen og bør i koncentreret, men sammenhængende form præsentere opgavebesvarelsens vigtigste elementer. Resuméet skal i sig selv udgøre en meningsfuld helhed og kunne forstås uafhængigt af selve opgavebesvarelsen. Det vil i de fleste tilfælde kunne rummes på 15-20 linjer, og det anbringes mest logisk lige efter titelsiden.
Resuméet bør indeholde undersøgelsens problemstilling (opgaveformuleringens indhold), begrundelse for materialevalg, metodiske fremgangsmåder og/eller teoretiske grundlag, væsentligste resultater og konklusioner.
På engelsk kan en disposition for resuméet (the abstract) se sådan ud:
Problem statement


1. Example of English resumé

Violence against women and consequent health problems: a register-based study.

Helweg-Larsen K, Kruse M.

National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen, Denmark. khl@dike.dk

AIMS: This study set out to examine whether women victimized by domestic violence in a given year subsequently have more health problems measured by amount of hospital contacts due to disease than non-victimized women. METHODS: A case control study was carried out, based on data in the Danish National Patient Register, which covers all hospital contacts, identified by the unique citizen number. Three age groups were included: 15-19, 20-29, and 30-49 years. Cases were women with any hospital contact as a result of intentional injuries, defined as domestic violence, in 1995, and controls were women with all other reasons for hospital contact in 1995. The Nordic Classification of External Causes of Injuries classified reason for contact, place of occurrence, and mechanism of injury. Domestic violence was defined as intentional injury by blunt force and occurring in a residential area. The rate of subsequent hospital contacts because of any disease, induced abortions, gynaecological diseases, and mental illness among cases and controls in 1996-98 was compared. RESULTS: 1,815 women victimized by domestic violence and 388,366 controls were identified. In the entire period, the victims of violence presented significantly more health problems than the controls, as measured by hospital contacts due to any disease. The rate of contacts due to induced abortions, gynaecological diseases, and mental illness was significantly higher among the victims in all three age groups in the first year following the identified violence. In the entire period, victims of violence aged 20-49 presented a significantly higher rate of contacts due to mental illness, and victims aged 20-29 years a higher rate of induced abortions. CONCLUSIONS: Registration practice of all hospital contacts in Denmark facilitates nationally representative analyses of associations between violence and health problems. The observed differences among women victimized by domestic violence and controls point to violence against women as a major public health problem. Proper registration of hospital contacts due to intentional injury may both guarantee adequate follow-up of the individual victim, and serve as a useful tool in the monitoring of general violence prevention.

Domestic violence: Vold i hjemmet
victimized: offer for
subsequently: efterfølgende
measure: måle

Problem statement:

Have women victimized by domestic violence in a given year subsequently more health problems measured by amount of hospital contacts due to disease than non-victimized women?


A case control study was carried out, based on data in the Danish National Patient Register, which covers all hospital contacts, identified by the unique citizen number. Three age groups were included: 15-19, 20-29, and 30-49 years. Cases were women with any hospital contact as a result of intentional injuries, defined as domestic violence, in 1995, and controls were women with all other reasons for hospital contact in 1995, etc......


1,815 women victimized by domestic violence and 388,366 controls were identified. In the entire period, the victims of violence presented significantly more health problems than the controls, as measured by hospital contacts due to any disease


Look at left column


2. Example of English resumé:
(From World Systems Journal nr. 2, 2002)

This paper argues that a “new” international inequality has been superimposed over the “old” international inequality, and that this superimposition can help to explain the increasing degree of inequality in the world economy today. The old international inequality was based on the colonial division of labor, in which the periphery provided raw materials to core-based industries. The new inequality is based on control over flows of information and financial capital by core-based transnational corporations (TNCs). This argument is illustrated using the empirical example of the world coffee market, comparing the responses of market participants to two severe frosts in Brazil, which significantly disrupted the market. (....)

Increasing degree of Inequality: Stigende grad af ulighed
Response: svar, reaktion
Participant: Deltager
Superimpose: Lægge ind over
Periphery: her: de fattige lande
core: kerne- (her: de rige lande)
TNC: Transnationale (grænseoverskridende) selskaber
severe: streng
disrupt: ødelægge, bryde op

Problem statement:

How is it possible (how can one/we) to explain the increasing degree of inequality in the world economy today?

Approach (fremgangsmåde):

This argument is illustrated using the empirical example
of the world coffee market, comparing the
responses of market participants to two
severe frosts in Brazil, which significantly
disrupted the market


The old international inequality
was based on the colonial division of labor,
in which the periphery provided raw materials
to core-based industries. The new inequality
is based on control over flows of information
and financial capital by core-based transnational
corporations (TNCs)

a “new” international inequality has been superimposed over
the “old” international inequality, and that this superimposition can help to explain the increasing degree of inequality in the world
economy today